Looking for Deals on Soleus Air Conditioners?

CouponCodeOffers.com has identified air-n-water.com to provide special offers and great deals on Soleus Air Conditioners. On top of the already discounted prices, you can still save more by considering air conditioner models that you can purchase with Free Shipping.

On top of the discounted prices and free shipping on most orders provided by air-n-water website, you can use an exclusive coupon code CCOFFERS10 to save 10% Off the already discounted prices including those Soleus air conditioner units that are currently not on sale.

On the other hand, this is a limited offer that will expire on May 31, 2013. So choose your Soleus Air Conditioner now at air-n-water.com, and take this opportunity to save an extra 10% Off!

>> Click HERE to Save 10% Off Soleus Air Conditoners only from Air-n-Water.com! Use coupon code CCOFFERS10 @ the Checkout <<

-- (Offer Expires on May 31, 2013) --

Screenshot # 01: Soleus Air Conditioners in air-n-water.com Sorted by Number of Reviews

To help you realize the benefits of shopping at air-n-water.com, let us consider some comparisons. Another helpful website that we can refer to for this task is amazon.com, one of the largest and trusted online retailers to provide special offers and great deals on many products such as Soleus air conditioners.

On top of their online inventory, the Amazon website will also provide search results from their affiliated online merchants that are also offering special offers. This feature will help you choose the best deals.

Let us take Soleus Air LX-140 14000 BTU Evaporative Portable Air Conditioner as an example. According to amazon.com, as of June 25, 2012, they have 12 affiliated and featured online merchants offering special deals for this Soleus air conditioner model. The top 4 merchants are listed in the image below.

Screenshot # 02: List of Featured Merchants Affiliated with amazon.com Offering Great Deals on Soleus Air LX-140

As you can notice, it seems that the lowest price for Soleus Air LX-140 is from PC4USA, but if you will add the shipping cost, it will be more expensive compared to other offers. On the other hand, despite the free shipping, it also seems that the product cost from air-n-water.com is more expensive compared to the other three online merchants.

Well, this statement is true if you will buy your Soleus LX-140 Air Conditioner through the amazon website, but if you are going to purchase directly from air-n-water.com, you will be able to save more.

Screenshot # 03: Special Deals for Soleus LX-140 with the Applied Coupon Code 7AFF in air-n-water.com

How? As shown above, on top of the Free Shipping, your order will be entitled to additional 10% off discount by using coupon code CCOFFERS10. Another example is Soleus Air PH4-13R-01 13000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner which is cheaper in air-n-water.com (through the aid of the coupon code CCOFFERS10) compared to other online stores.

--Take note that there are also better deals for Soleus air conditioners offered by amazon.com (especially for those air conditioner models that are not available in air-n-water.com), so it is also recommended for you to do some comparisons as shown above. For example, Soleus Air 6,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner with Remote Control is being offered by amazon website with better deals compared to other online merchants.--

Screenshot # 04: Featured Merchants Provided by amazon.com Showing that The Best Deals for Soleus Air 6,000 BTU is Offered by Amazon

So look for your Soleus air conditioner now at air-n-water.com, make sure to consider for those models eligible for free shipping, and don't forget to use coupon code CCOFFERS10 at the checkout.

>> View Soleus Air Conditioners Available @ Air-n-Water.com + Get an Extra 10% Off by Using the Code CCOFFERS10 @ the Checkout <<