Looking for Deals on Clarks Wallabee Shoes and Boots?

CouponCodeOffers.com has identified 6pm.com to offer great deals on Clarks shoes. All models and styles of Clarks Shoes available in 6pm.com are on sale, and all styles such as Clarks Wallabee shoes are eligible for Free Shipping. Please be aware that this is a limited time offer or while supplies last.

There are two types of Clarks Wallabee footwear available in 6pm.com, and each of these types has counterparts for both men and women. These two types are Clarks Wallabee shoes and Clarks Wallabee boots.

Clarks Wallabee shoes for women closely resemble Clarks Wallabee shoes for men. Both of these shoes are designed with soft suede upper with a traditional lacing system for easy on-and-off wear and a secure fit. Wallabee shoes by Clarks also have natural plantation crepe outsole for durability and to help minimize fatigue.

Like the Clarks Wallabee shoes, when it comes to construction, Clarks Wallabee boots for men and women only differ in exterior design, but both of these boots have progressive moccasin design on a nature-formed last. Clarks Wallabee boots are also designed with genuine plantation crepe outsole and leather sockliner to keep feet comfortable and dry.

Click Here to View the Deals on Clarks Wallabee shoes at 6pm.com

As of July 23, 2012, the price offer for Clarks Wallabee Women's shoes in 6pm.com is $90.00 USD. This price is discounted 25% off of the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) which is $120.00 USD. This offer is cheaper compared to the offers provided by other online stores, and this comparison is also true for Wallabee Men's shoes.

For example, the current best deal for Clarks Wallabee shoes for women listed in amazon.com is $94.95 USD, almost 5 bucks more expensive compared for the price offer in 6pm.com.

Screenshot # 01: Deals on Clarks Wallabee Shoes for Women listed at Amazon.com

Now, let us consider the steps to purchase Clarks Wallabee shoes from 6pm.com.

How to Place the Order of Your Clarks Wallabee shoes?

1. The first step is to click the red button labelled "Shop Now" above or the red links labelled "Click Here to View the Deal on Clarks Wallabee shoes". After that, you will land on the 6pm.com page displaying all the Wallabee shoes by Clarks available in 6pm.com.

Screenshot # 02: List of Clarks Wallabee shoes in 6pm.com

2. The next step is to choose your Clarks Wallabee shoes, and click it to view its specific page. Let us assume that you want to purchase Clarks Wallabe Women's shoes.

3. In the specific page for Clarks Wallabee shoes for women, you can further select and finalize the color of your Wallabee shoes together with the size before clicking the Add to Shopping Bag button. You can also check larger images and additional views of Clarks Wallabee shoes.

Screenshot # 03: Specific Page for Clarks Wallabee Women's Shoes

4. In the next page, you will be able to update the quantity of your order before clicking the Proceed to Checkout button.

Screenshot # 04: Shopping Bag at 6pm.com

You can also check the savings that you will gain from the discount(s) provided by 6pm.com for your Clarks Wallabee shoes.

5. In the next page, you will be asked to login (if you're a returning customer) or register (if you're a new customer) to complete your purchase.

Screenshot # 05: Log In or Regsiter Option

6. After logging in or creating our account, you will need to complete your shipping and payment information.

Screenshot # 06: Shipping and Payment Information Form

There are four parts of the Shipping and Payment Information form that you must complete, such as the Shipping Address, Shipping Options, Payment Information, and Billing Address.

7. After completing your shipping and payment details, you can review the details that you have provided and your order summary before clicking the Submit My Order button.

Screenshot # 07: Order Summary

You must also remember to only click the 'Submit my Order' button once.

We hope you will find 6PM.com to be a great choice for purchasing Clarks Wallabee shoes or other models of Clarks shoes at discounted prices!

Click Here to View the Deal on Clarks Wallabee shoes at 6pm.com